Gestair is Successful Again in the Bidding for Ground Support for the Flight Operations of the Cartographic and Geological Institute of Catalonia

Gestair is Successful Again in the Bidding for Ground Support for the Flight Operations of the Cartographic and Geological Institute of Catalonia

Madrid, 15 October 2020

After a successful year working on ground support for the flight operations of the Cartographic and Geological Institute of Catalonia, the area of Line Maintenance of Gestair Aviation has again been successful in bidding.

This support consists of carrying out all the necessary tasks for the preparation of the aircraft and of the crew prior to the start of each flight, as well as the reception of the aircraft once it has finished.  Line Maintenance Gestair Aviation also deals with:

  • Transferring aircraft and crew to the exit and to the entrance.
  • Coordinating with fuel suppliers.
  • Recording data in the logbook and engine parameters.
  • Providing support in the assembly and in the movement of sensors.
  • Pre-flight and post-flight inspections.

Gestair guarantees this service 365 days a year on the principal basis of the Cartographic and Geological Institute of Catalonia (ICGC) which is located in the hangar that the Institute has in the El Prat Airport in Barcelona.

Line Maintenance, with its main base in the airports of Madrid and Barcelona and presence in the main Spanish airports, is made up of a team of professionals specialised in aeronautical maintenance, who are responsible for carrying out scheduled line maintenance, corrective maintenance, ramp services and AOG, among other tasks, in order to have the aircraft ready before and after each flight.

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