Gestair Commitment, together it is possible. Environmental Performance 2021

Gestair Commitment, together it is possible. Environmental Performance 2021

Madrid, March 7, 2022

The commitment that the Gestair Group has acquired with the environment has been integrated into its daily activities, implementing objectives and improvement actions in order to reduce the negative impact of certain factors on the most significant environmental aspects.

During 2021, an analysis and evaluation of environmental processes was carried out in the Group with indicators that periodically report on the evolution of the organization's environmental performance.

Among the projects implemented during this period through the Environmental Management System in the Group's companies, it´s worth highlighting the launch of the Horizon Program for offsetting emissions for flights marketed by Gestair. With great acceptance by customers, this project has offset 15,453Tm of CO2 from May to December.

Another of the initiatives carried out has been the implementation of the EFB Project (Electronic Flight Bag or Electronic Briefcase on board), replacing manuals and in-flight documentation with IPADs. This project represents a saving in raw materials and a reduction in the use of paper on board the company's flights, with a 34.8% saving compared to the previous period, within the flight dispatch activity.

On the other hand, the analysis of electricity and gas consumption in the hangars that Gestair MRO has at Madrid-Barajas Airport, with a surface area of more than 23,000 m2, has enabled the implementation of improvement actions and good environmental practice measures to reduce CO2 emissions into the atmosphere, such as the purchase of more renewable electrical energy through commercial companies and the improvement in the management of the use of the air conditioning system, having opted for an optimal radiation system with independent radiant tubes that is manually managed depending on the occupation of the hangar.

The Gestair Group is already working to continue advancing in these and new projects that represent progress towards a more sustainable horizon.

Gestair Group, leader in Spain and European benchmark in private aviation, has three strong business areas: Gestair Aviation, Gestair MRO and Gestair Aeroplanning, which offer a 360º service in corporate aviation. The company has a fleet of 31 ultra-long, long, medium and short range aircraft to offer the best solution for any type of trip and 2 hangars at Adolfo Suárez Madrid-Barajas airport to house and maintain aircraft.

Simplify. Simply, fly

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